Rural Communities Rising (RCR) is a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting rural,historically-underserved communities in Western Fresno County to collaboratively navigate the opportunities and significant changes brought by clean energy development. Established in response to the upcoming transformation of over 200,000 acres of agricultural land into utility-scale solar, battery storage, and green hydrogen production facilities, residents and leaders from 36 impacted communities—many of which have been neglected for decades—are working together to be in a position to lead and not be left behind. Our goal is united communities, with organized resident voices that are heard, respected and prioritized in this rapidly evolving landscape, being fully capable to secure self-determined long-term health, well-being and economic benefits.
Our Mission
To connect residents in rural, Western Fresno County in order to organize, build community power, and secure the health, well-being and economic benefits our communities deserve.
Our Vision
A future where rural communities have civic power and equitable access to clean energy, jobs, improved infrastructure, economic prosperity, and a healthy community.
At the heart of Rural Communities Rising is the commitment to community-driven leadership. Through grassroots organizing, we aim to build a unified, powerful voice capable of negotiating directly with developers and policymakers, and improving all Vital Conditions for Health and Well-Being. We are working to establish enforceable Community Benefits Agreements (CBAs) that will deliver tangible improvements to health, infrastructure, and economic well-being for all residents. By organizing from the bottom up, we aim to secure a future where the communities most impacted by environmental and economic challenges can lead the way in shaping solutions.
Our Region
Rural Communities Rising serves 36 rural communities and 10 community clusters across West Fresno County, including small cities and unincorporated areas most impacted by clean energy development. Explore our map and view the region that represents the heart of our work.
Rural Communities Rising (RCR) emerged in response to the clean energy deployment potential identified by the Clean Air Task Force (CATF) and the anticipated development of Westlands Water District, which highlighted the immense scale of clean energy development poised to reshape over 200,000 acres of farmland in western Fresno County. Recognizing the need for impacted rural communities to have a seat at the table, RCR was formed to organize communities, elevate local voices and ensure that health, well-being and economic benefits, are secured and upheld throughout this transformation of Western Fresno County. Explore our proposed timeline and strategic plans to see how we are building a strong foundation for long-term, community-driven success.
San Joaquin Valley stakeholders engage in convenings about the clean energy transition, gaining insights into federal and state plans, development opportunities, and potential impacts.
Jan–June 2024
Outreach to rural communities highlights the need for a community resident governed nonprofit organization to negotiate and manage community benefits, guided by the “social determinants of health.”
July 2024 – March 2025
Local leaders begin systematic outreach, reinstating Rural Communities Rising as a 501(c)(3) dedicated toengage and unify impacted communities in Western Fresno County.
April 2025
The newly elected 21-member board, along with organizing and advisory partners, will participate in a 3-day retreat to build relationships, establish shared values, communication, and a unified purpose before beginning nonprofit operations.
April–Dec 2025
Expanded board will adopt governance and community accountability frameworks, goals, strategies, and updated nonprofit bylaws, engage with governments, philanthropies, and developers to secure Community Benefit Agreements (CBAs).
2026 & Beyond
Rural Communities Rising will become a replicable model for other San Joaquin Valley counties and beyond.